Thursday, November 6, 2008

family trip, destination: Turkey!

every and my family have this annual trip that bond us together... when i was in the National Art Academy, i've always skipped alot of my family's vacations.... i felt so guilty about that but i promise myself that this time around.... i'll go for all the annual trip that my family plan. i love my family..nothing can come between us.
well....last year's trip was TURKEY! yup!got to learn some of the words but totally forgot already la if u ask me no..hahhaaa~ anyways.this is what we did..
yup!!!got snow...well....part of it anyway.....but its family is d most gila ones because the other family sumua control no fun family(yup...including my dad and my step-mom) semua gila running around like mad people and it was indeed fun!!!

the wonderful place called 'troy'...u the movie 'troy'..brad pitt and the horse thing...yeah....that's the place la...heheheeee~
inside the horse!!!*talk*ok sisters..n brother...we shall attack ISA at exactly 0300 hour not sleep in the horse..i repeat....DO not SLEEP in the horse'.....hahahaa~
the exact replica that's being use in the movie 'troy'..go watch..if it's true then u tell me la....:p
it was only 6ish when it's dark!and we got nothing to do so we pose with this pegasus looking statue thingy.....heheheeee~
a fairy trip that goes ou so well!!!!!! at 7am, we were in this ferry where there's alot of school boys *wink wink* to take pix with them and hmmm hmmm..some of them gave me thier email add.....hahahahaaa~seronok la....! :D
eating ice cream on a winter's day! painful to the teeth..but then many time u're gonna experience eating ice cream at a cold London was d first..but then again....... i love ice cream and turkish ice cream is sooooooooooo good!!!!
on a boat ride..minus the school boys this time......hehheheeee~
my family always conquered the best seats la......hehehee~big family mar...watudu.. ^_^'''
at an old castle we was so freaking cold that i can't feel anything at all..... everything went numb la......
in the blue mosque.....which glows in the colour some more..that's why la blue mosque.. so coooooooooool!!!i love that's huge!
our tour guide in turkey! he's a professor that knows everything about turkey!so pandai i tell u.... and he used to be a lecturer in the US of A!!!
with a model....he's so hot!!!!me n my sisters all fighting for him.. but in the end...look where his hand ended back!!!!yay! XD and zelda's back la.....hahahaaa~
woalking towards another mosque...i think we visiteed more mosque than any souvenier place..darn!but!!i like it!!!its awesome....seriously!
the anaks-anaks from all the families....... 1/3 of it are from my family! yay~
JOHAN's troop rules!!!!!
our last day.......coming out d stairs also a memory for us...hahhahaa~
my family!!!!!the crazy bunch! the Johan's troop!
i think i gained atleast 10kgs with all the 5meals a day thing for 10 days.....
Orked yg rempit tak jd...


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